How to survive travelling with a toddler
Tips for making the most of your holiday with a toddler, brought to you from our summer holiday in Nelson-Marlborough.
4 min read
Letting go of 2020
Reflecting on the year that was 2020: the good bits, the shit bits, and knowing whether to say yes or no.
4 min read
Book review: Pain and Prejudice – chronic illness, pain and its disproportionate impacts on women
Pain and Prejudice is a book about the structural prejudice that the health system displays towards women’s pain. It’s a memoir about having endometriosis and a powerful history…
4 min read
A petition to fund a biologic drug for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Why another biologic would help the estimated 20,000 New Zealanders living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (including me) achieve a better quality of life.
4 min read
A reading list for resilience in uncertain times
Here are the top three books I’ve read over the years that have given me resources for resilience or taught me about mental strength.
4 min read
Flexible working arrangements in a post-COVID world
COVID-19 gave many of us the experience of working from home full time. Will organisations allow us to continue this practice?
4 min read