Tag: health
Is healthcare for babies and mothers really free?
Maternity care in NZ should be free for all residents and citizens. But how much of the post-partum care women/people receive is actually free? Read more
Book review: Pain and Prejudice – chronic illness, pain and its disproportionate impacts on women
Pain and Prejudice is a book about the structural prejudice that the health system displays towards women’s pain. It’s a memoir about having endometriosis and a powerful history of how medicine has treated women through the ages, and failed to take women’s pain seriously, with often dire outcomes. Read more
Having an autoimmune disorder in a measles outbreak
On my baby’s immunisation list in his Plunket book, the rotavirus vaccine remains unchecked. The measles vaccine will remain unchecked for some time too, until his immune system can cope with it. I can’t have live vaccines, and as a result, neither can he. Read more